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The Brooklyn Killers formerly known as The Bad Kids was a Brooklyn crew that was active during the early 1980s. The crew hit all subway divisions. They focused a great deal of time hitting the subway car interiors of the BMT division; Relentlessly attacking the B and RR lines in particular. Leadership was provided by BETE and KROOK. Membership has included: BT aka BETE, KROOK aka KROOKLYN, CUSTOM 2 aka CU 2, SES aka SUBWAY SLASHER, ROOK, ROACH, NET, ROA, RAC, SOR, AC, JOE NUTS, TAX rip, RISK, DION 39, SNIPER, FUZZ ONE, SO3 aka ESOH and the TBK girls LIL-LOVE, DAWN, ANNA and BAMBI. A division called The Bronx Killers included BOOM ROCK, KEN 007 and BOM 5 and others.

More on TBK in the future.

BETE interview conducted in 1998 by @149st

KROOK page

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