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Aliases: RS
Started: 1979 Primary affiliations: TS5, CAC Local origin: Harlem, NYC
Main lines: 1s, 2s, 3s

STAN ONE started writing in mid 1979. During the early part of his career he focused mainly on tagging subway car interiors and stations on the number 1 line in harlem. STAN was influenced by a group of older writers from his neighborhood called The Spainish Five. At a point when the first generation of TS5 had retired STAN was granted presidency of the crew. He was instrumental in revitalizing the crew. Around 1980 STAN began piecing on the 1 line with writers like DONE ONE.
After STAN's transit career he maintained a low profile for several years. In 2001 he was brought out of retirement by PRIZ ONE. STAN along with PRIZ, DONE and others have painted numerous wall murals through out the city.

STAN ONE interview

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